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Web standards: clear agreements to ensure quality of online content

Door Lisa Welchman

Standards are clear agreements about what requirements you set for your own online content. Think of your own Style Guide Web Content, but also the WCAG guidelines. How do you make these agreements and how do you secure them in the organization? This session is in English.


standards-enable-collaboration-welchman-ncdt-2024.pdf (9 MB)
(This pdf is not WCAG compliant.)

Standards and quality

A good website or digital service is user-friendly, accessible, technically solid and scalable. To achieve that, the various teams working on it use shared digital standards. Digital standards are about the quality of online services and how to achieve that quality.

Many organizations struggle with defining and implementing standards. Some people find that standards limit them in their work. They struggle with a standards-based approach. Or they disagree with the standards that have been established. Lisa explains how to address these objections so that standards really help improve the quality of your website.

Lisa Welchman

Lisa is one of the world's leading experts on digital governance. She is the author of Managing Chaos: Digital Governance by Design, the global bestseller in the field of digital governance. Lisa is a speaker, consultant and trainer. She guides larger organizations in digital governance, digital security and how organizations can become digitally mature. This presentation is in English.

Lisa Welchman op het NCDT 2023